Cassava Bags Australia

Cassava Bags Australia

Focused on addressing the issue of plastics and its adverse affects it has on our health and environment. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
€2—3m ( estimates Jun 2023.)
Sydney New South Wales (HQ)
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Total Funding€1.2m

Recent News about Cassava Bags Australia

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Cassava Bags Australia is a pioneering startup focused on addressing the global plastic pollution crisis by producing 100% natural, biodegradable bags. The company operates within the environmental sustainability market, targeting businesses across various industries such as fashion, electronics, groceries, retail, and hospitality. Their primary clientele includes businesses that are committed to reducing their plastic footprint and are looking for eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastic bags.

The business model of Cassava Bags Australia revolves around manufacturing and selling biodegradable bags made from cassava, a plant-based material. These bags are free from petroleum-based materials, polylactic acid (PLA), and bisphenol (BPA), ensuring that they do not harm the environment once discarded. The bags are designed to dissolve over time in water and biodegrade in the ocean, leaving no microplastics or toxins behind.

Cassava Bags Australia generates revenue by selling these eco-friendly bags in various sizes and thicknesses, catering to the specific needs of different industries. The company offers a range of products, including small, medium, large, and extra-large bags, each with varying load capacities to suit different applications. By providing a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic bags, Cassava Bags Australia helps businesses align with environmental regulations and consumer demand for greener practices.

In summary, Cassava Bags Australia is dedicated to eradicating single-use plastic bags and leading the nation in the plastic pollution reduction economy. Their innovative, biodegradable products offer a practical solution for businesses aiming to minimize their environmental impact.

Keywords: biodegradable bags, cassava-based, eco-friendly, plastic-free, sustainable packaging, retail solutions, environmental sustainability, zero plastic, compostable, toxin-free.