REITAN is a holding company that exercises active ownership through independent companies. Learn more

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More about REITAN

REITAN employs 44,101 people in seven countries in the Nordics and the Baltics.

REITAN Kapital is the investment arm of REITAN. By pursuing a globally diversified financial portfolio, we safeguard and develop our financial values.

REITAN's vision is to be known as the most value-driven company. REITAN is a holding company that exercises active ownership through independent companies. As an owner, we contribute to the further development of the companies by being a driving force in the work with strategy, structure, culture and financial standards. We have operations in seven countries in the Nordics and the Baltics. Our largest companies are Reitan Retail, where all trading activities are combined, and Reitan Eiendom. Our task is to build as many winners as possible, create a robust business and contribute to the community.

Investments by REITAN
